Sunday, February 2, 2014

A Native Win32 Application in Python

I'm currently working on a small personal project, one component of which needs to use a native Windows edit control. Without getting too bogged down in the why for the moment, I have started exploring the possibility of creating a native implementation in Python using pywin32, rather than relying on a bridge layer such as IronPython/.NET or wx.

What is pywin32? pywin32 is a set of Python bindings over a large chunk of the Windows API. That API presents a formidable visage to a non-Windows developer like me, with its bewildering naming conventions, indistinguishable groupings and boundaries, and sheer age and scale. pywin32 lets you work with much of this API within the comfort of Python, handling many of the tricky details like type marshaling and function/pointer conversions for you. However, it does assume a high degree of familiarity with the Windows API, and the documentation, while a useful reference, doesn't do much to mitigate the difficulties of approaching that API for a beginner.

My goal in this post is to demonstrate how to create a native dialog-based window with Python and pywin32. Our little app will contain a RichEdit text editing control and demonstrate two mechanisms for receiving messages: the parent window uses a message map to route messages to Python methods, but we'll also see how to override the edit control's WndProc function, which offers absolute control over its behavior.

The core of the app is derived from the win32gui_dialog sample in pywin32. If you'd like to try it out yourself, the entire source is here. I'm running Python 2.7.5 32-bit with pywin32 build 218 on Windows XP SP3.

Let's get started!

import win32

As usual, we begin with some essential imports.

In [16]:
import struct

import win32gui_struct
import win32api
import win32con
import winerror
import winxpgui as win32gui

win32con is a sort of win32.h header file for Python, defining many of the constants and flags needed when making any meaningful Windows calls. win32api provides access to the core Windows API, including facilities for loading and accessing dynamic libraries.

But it is win32gui that provides all the critical calls needed to create a native Windows application. pywin32 supplies two versions: winxpgui is identical to win32gui except for being built with manifest settings for Windows XP, allowing it to take advantage of certain window system features like the updated theme support built into that version. As I was working, I found the C source for win32gui to be a helpful guide out of a few sticky spots.

win32con defines many, but not all, of the constants needed by our little app. I'm going to define a few of the missing ones I know we'll need now but defer the explanation of what they are for until we need them.

In [17]:
EM_SETTEXTEX = win32con.WM_USER + 97

As usual when I'm doing any sort of exploratory work in Python, I rely on IPython's object querying facilities to interrogate module attributes and interfaces. For example, this search locates all the attributes in win32con that start with EM and contain the string TEXT; the results confirm the need for the definition of EM_SETTEXTEX above:

In [43]:

Having established the constants we'll need, we next define a local identifier for our edit control:

In []:
IDC_EDIT = 1024

The IDC prefix seems to be a Windows convention that I guess stands for IDentifier for Control; this constant can be used to retrieve the control's handle and will allow us to filter messages in the parent window later.

The last of the initialization steps get the Windows controls ready for use. In addition to initializing the standard controls, I'm also going to load the RichEdit 4.1 control since that's the version I'd like to use. Even my plain vanilla install of XP probably has at least 3 versions of RichEdit available, so you need to be specific if you want to take advantage of features in the later versions. Be warned: the versioning scheme for this control is completely inscrutable.

In [18]:
hInstance = win32gui.dllhandle

# Load the RichEdit 4.1 control


With the initialization out of the way, we can turn to the task of defining the Python class to encapsulate our window. A typical first chore in any Windows application is to register a window class (WNDCLASS) for your application's main window which defines the options the window system will use when drawing the window. The meat of this registration code is drawn directly from the win32gui_dialog sample; I have simplified it slightly and added the guard to ensure that the registration happens only once.

In [31]:
class DemoWindow(object):
    class_name = "Pywin32DialogDemo"
    class_atom = None

    def _register_wnd_class(cls):
        if cls.class_atom:

        message_map = {}
        wc = win32gui.WNDCLASS()
        wc.SetDialogProc()  # Make it a dialog class.
        wc.hInstance = hInstance
        wc.lpszClassName = cls.class_name = win32con.CS_VREDRAW | win32con.CS_HREDRAW
        wc.hCursor = win32gui.LoadCursor(0, win32con.IDC_ARROW)
        wc.hbrBackground = win32con.COLOR_WINDOW + 1
        wc.lpfnWndProc = message_map  # could also specify a wndproc.
        # C code: wc.cbWndExtra = DLGWINDOWEXTRA + sizeof(HBRUSH)
        #                         + (sizeof(COLORREF));
        wc.cbWndExtra = win32con.DLGWINDOWEXTRA + struct.calcsize("Pi")

        # load icon from python executable
        this_app = win32api.GetModuleHandle(None)
        wc.hIcon = win32gui.LoadIcon(this_app, 1)

            cls.class_atom = win32gui.RegisterClass(wc)
        except win32gui.error, err_info:
            if err_info.winerror != winerror.ERROR_CLASS_ALREADY_EXISTS:

Next we define the configuration for the specific window instance we want to create in the form of a dialog template. The Windows API provides some helper functions that allow dialogs to be created via a list of templates: the template for the window itself followed by any number of templates for items to go into the window. As with the window class registration, the options I'm using here are straight out of the sample; MSDN has more information about the available window style options and the dialog specific options.

In []:
    def _get_dialog_template(cls):
        title = "pywin32 Dialog Demo"
        style = (win32con.WS_THICKFRAME | win32con.WS_POPUP |
                 win32con.WS_VISIBLE | win32con.WS_CAPTION |
                 win32con.WS_SYSMENU | win32con.DS_SETFONT |

        # These are "dialog coordinates," not pixels. Sigh.
        bounds = 0, 0, 250, 210

        # Window frame and title, a PyDLGTEMPLATE object
        dialog = [(title, bounds, style, None, None, None, cls.class_name), ]

        return dialog

At last we get to the constructor, which registers the window class (if necessary), gets the dialog template, and asks the windowing system to create the dialog window:

In []:
    def __init__(self):
        message_map = {
            win32con.WM_SIZE: self.on_size,
            win32con.WM_COMMAND: self.on_command,
            win32con.WM_NOTIFY: self.on_notify,
            win32con.WM_INITDIALOG: self.on_init_dialog,
            win32con.WM_CLOSE: self.on_close,
            win32con.WM_DESTROY: self.on_destroy,

        template = self._get_dialog_template()

        # Create the window via CreateDialogBoxIndirect - it can then
        # work as a "normal" window, once a message loop is established.
        win32gui.CreateDialogIndirect(hInstance, template, 0, message_map)

Up to this point, the code we've seen is, syntactic differences aside, more or less what you would find in a C or C++ program. Here we come to the first significant difference between a Python and C/C++ implementation: message dispatching. Traditional Windows applications use a "window procedure" (WndProc) to handle the messages that a control receives throughout its existence. These procedures are the brain of the control, defining how it is painted, how it responds to user input, and what control-specific capabilities it offers. They are typically implemented as a switch statement that dispatches messages received from the window system to appropriate handlers.

As we will see shortly, the same capability is available in Python, but pywin32 offers an alternative in the form of a message_map, a dict mapping message identifiers to Python callables. When defined this way, pywin32 builds a small wrapper procedure that uses the message_map to dispatch incoming messages to the appropriate handler in Python. If no handler is defined in the map, the default handler for the control is called. This mechanism makes it easy to subscribe to only messages of interest using whatever Python callable type happens to be convenient. Here we're using methods, but a function or other callable would work just as well.

The main window of our application is listening for two basic kinds of messages: notifications from the windowing system (WM_SIZE, WM_INITDIALOG, WM_CLOSE, and WM_DESTROY) and notifications from child controls (WM_COMMAND and WM_NOTIFY). What child controls? Erm… Right! Child controls, I guess we'll need some of those!

Control Your Edits

If you've made it this far and are working on your own application (rather than using notepad), chances are very high that you want to do something other than the default behavior for certain events. In my case, I am primarily interested in three kinds of changes: changes to the text, changes to the selection state, and keystrokes that did not alter the text.

We'll examine the last two cases later, but to detect text changes, I'm going to use a custom WndProc for our (yet to be created) RichEdit control:

In []:
    def edit_proc(self, hwnd, msg, wparam, lparam):
        print 'edit_proc', hwnd, msg, wparam, lparam

        if msg == EM_SETTEXTEX:
            print 'EM_SETTEXTEX'
        elif msg == win32con.WM_SETTEXT:
            print 'WM_SETTEXT'
        elif msg == win32con.EM_REPLACESEL:
            print 'EM_REPLACESEL'

        # I'm not sure why this is needed (i.e. not handled by the default
        # handler), but without it the process hangs on window close.
        elif msg == win32con.WM_DESTROY:

        # "super" call to the overridden WndProc
        return win32gui.CallWindowProc(self.old_edit_proc, hwnd, msg, wparam,

This method redefines how our edit control will process messages it receives. The msg parameter contains the message identifier that indicates what the message is and determines the meaning of the wparam and lparam arguments. Many of these messages are control-specific, and RichEdit boasts a rich set of messages it understands.

I'm primarily interested in text changes, which are one type of message that can be sent to the control. For this example, when the control receives a message to change all or part of the text (EM_SETTEXTEX, WM_SETTEXT, or EM_REPLACESEL), we simply print out the receipt of the message and continue; an actual application could take any desired action here.

A WndProc can preserve the inherited behavior of the control by calling the default procedure for the control using CallWindowProc; of course nothing requires us to send the same message we received up the chain…

So where did this mysterious old_edit_proc come from? I'm glad you asked!

In []:
    def _setup_edit(self):
        class_name = 'RICHEDIT50W'
        initial_text = ''
        child_style = (win32con.WS_CHILD | win32con.WS_VISIBLE |
                       win32con.WS_HSCROLL | win32con.WS_VSCROLL |
                       win32con.WS_TABSTOP | win32con.WS_VSCROLL |
                       win32con.ES_MULTILINE | win32con.ES_WANTRETURN)
        parent = self.hwnd

Not there!

Following the lead of the win32gui_dialog example, I have deferred the creation of the edit control to the handler for WM_INITDIALOG, which calls _setup_edit to actually create the edit control and install it in our window. If there is a non-whimsical reason for doing it this way, as opposed to installing the control via the dialog template mechanism above, I don't know what it is. I'll make something up if you like.

Regardless, we first establish the basic parameters we want for the control, then create it:

In []:
        self.edit_hwnd = win32gui.CreateWindow(
            class_name, initial_text, child_style,
            0, 0, 0, 0,
            parent, IDC_EDIT, hInstance, None)

Surprise! Yup, you read that correctly: the command used to create a RichEdit control, CreateWindow, is the same command that is used in Windows to create… (drumroll)… windows! I guess it's windows all the way down…

A few notes about this call: the class_name indicates that we want a RichEdit 4.1 control. Yes it does. I warned you that the versioning is weird… We also set the parent of our edit control to be our dialog window and set the local identifier for the control to our fortuitously predefined constant IDC_EDIT. The zeros specify the bounds of the control; we have to pass something, but I want the control to fill the window, which we will handle later.

Still looking for old_edit_proc are you?

The next thing we do is to tell the edit control to notify its parent (our dialog window) of keystroke events, selection changes, and text updates. To do this, we send an EM_SETEVENTMASK message to the RichEdit control, indicating in the message payload which messages should be sent:

In []:
        message_mask = (win32con.ENM_KEYEVENTS | win32con.ENM_SELCHANGE |
                        win32con.ENM_CHANGE | win32con.ENM_UPDATE)
        win32gui.SendMessage(self.edit_hwnd, EM_SETEVENTMASK, 0, message_mask)

Finally, we install the custom edit WndProc we defined above, and, in a fit of nostalgia, save a reference to the old one. (Actually, we save it because we need it…)

In []:
        self.old_edit_proc = win32gui.SetWindowLong(self.edit_hwnd,

There's that rascal old_edit_proc! When changing a control's WndProc, SetWindowLong returns a reference to the old procedure, which we can call by passing the reference to CallWindowProc as above.

So far, we have registered a window class for our main window, created an instance of that window class using a dialog template, added a RichEdit control as a child control of that window, and installed a custom WndProc for the edit control to customize the way the control processes messages. In the next section, we'll see how to configure the notification handlers to allow the main window to respond to notifications it receives from the window system and its contained controls.

Sizing things up

The next major section of the application defines the notification handlers referenced earlier in our dialog window's message_map. On initialization, we set up the edit control, then resize it to fill the window:

In []:
    def on_init_dialog(self, hwnd, msg, wparam, lparam):
        self.hwnd = hwnd
        l, t, r, b = win32gui.GetWindowRect(self.hwnd)
        self._do_size(r, b, 1)

    def _do_size(self, cx, cy, repaint=1):
        # expand the textbox to fill the window
        win32gui.MoveWindow(self.edit_hwnd, 0, 0, cx, cy, repaint)

The resize handler is straightforward: when the user resizes the window, the window system notifies the window with a WM_SIZE message, passing the new size as the lparam payload. Our handler simply extracts the new width and height of the window and passes them to _do_size:

In []:
    def on_size(self, hwnd, msg, wparam, lparam):
        x = win32api.LOWORD(lparam)
        y = win32api.HIWORD(lparam)
        self._do_size(x, y)
        return 1

What's happening?

Earlier, we asked the edit control to send certain messages to its parent window. Messages from child controls to their parent use one of two message envelopes, WM_COMMAND or WM_NOTIFY. Which envelope gets used is message-specific and largely a matter of historical accident; RichEdit, being an old but frequently updated control, uses both.

When listening for these messages, the handler will need to examine the envelope to determine the origin control and the type of message being sent. For WM_COMMAND encapsulated messages, lparam is the window handle of the origin control and the upper bits of wparam contain the message identifier:

In []:
    def on_command(self, hwnd, msg, wparam, lparam):
        print 'on_command', hwnd, msg, wparam, lparam

        msg_id = win32api.HIWORD(wparam)
        print msg_id

        if lparam != self.edit_hwnd:
            print 'origin not edit, skipping'
            return 1

        if msg_id == win32con.EN_CHANGE:
            print 'EN_CHANGE'
        elif msg_id == win32con.EN_UPDATE:
            print 'EN_UPDATE'

        return 1

WM_NOTIFY messages are essentially the same but use a different packaging structure: wparam contains the local identifier for the control (e.g. IDC_EDIT) and the message identifier is part of the NMITEMACTIVATE struct passed as lparam. Fortunately for us, win32gui_struct already knows how to parse these structures, so we get the convenience of working with Python objects:

In []:
    def on_notify(self, hwnd, msg, wparam, lparam):
        print 'on_notify', hwnd, msg, wparam, lparam

        info = win32gui_struct.UnpackNMITEMACTIVATE(lparam)

        if wparam != IDC_EDIT:
            print 'origin not edit, skipping'
            return 1

        if info.code == win32con.EN_MSGFILTER:
            print 'EN_MSGFILTER'
        elif info.code == win32con.EN_SELCHANGE:
            print 'EN_SELCHANGE'

        print info.code

        return 1

Wrapping up

The last two handlers define our application's shutdown sequence: on_close is triggered when the user closes the window, which gives the application a chance to not close if that is appropriate. For example, this is where a real application would prompt the user if the edit buffer was dirty.

In []:
    def on_close(self, hwnd, msg, wparam, lparam):

    def on_destroy(self, hwnd, msg, wparam, lparam):
        # Terminate the app

Our main function is very simple: we create an instance of our window and then start the Windows message pump, which will run until the PostQuitMessage call in on_destroy.

In []:
def main():
    # PumpMessages runs until PostQuitMessage() is called by someone.

if __name__ == '__main__':


We have now built a complete, if small, Windows application, including the infrastructure needed to receive and act on messages in both the main window and the edit control. The application is composed of two stages: initialization and message processing. The initialization stage includes registering the window class, setting up configuration parameters for the controls, and wiring up message handling. Message processing involves listening for and reacting to the various forms of messages our application can receive. Our application demonstrates two forms of message processing: the dict-based message_map approach and a control with an overridden WndProc.

I hope that this little tour will help you better navigate the vast and varied terrain in the Windows API if you find yourself needing to write a native application. And what of my motivation, the coy why above? That, dear reader, is a story for another day.


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